Page 131 - Router Catalogue 2021
P. 131

        There are far more ¼" shank routers in existence  Cutters should be kept clean and sharp. Cleaning  Many of our new and innovative products are the result of
        than there are ½", so many of the cutters in this  is half the battle; dirty cutters result in a build-up
        catalogue are ¼" shank. Heavy-duty cutters  of heat on the cutting edges which dulls them,  our efforts to extend the versatility the router.
        however, such as those for panelled doors, lock  resulting in a further build-up, and so on. Two  Other additions to our range are often the result of
        mitre joints etc., are invariably on ½" shanks and  types of cleaner can be used: a solvent to remove
        it is necessary to have a ½" router to use them.  resinous deposits and an abrasive household  customers’ suggestions. We are constantly reviewing our
        Most ½" routers come with a collet or reducing  cleaner to remove heavier build-up. One of the  range and adding new products and are always pleased to
        sleeve, but you should use the ½" shank version  best solvents is contact adhesive remover  hear from our customers with suggestions and comments.
        of the cutter wherever possible because the  (although WD40 is good both as a solvent and a
        additional shank thickness will be gripped more  lubricant, but not to be used on bearings) and the  We look forward to hearing from you!
        firmly, causing less whip and chatter and giving a  best abrasive cleaner is “Astonish”, obtainable
        better cut. Similarly, the shorter the cutter length  from the local ironmonger. To clean your cutters
        the less whip and the better the cut. With light  (first removing the bearings if present), brush off  CUSTOMERS’ COMMENTS
        and medium-duty routers cuts must be made in a  loose dust with an old toothbrush or soft brass
        succession of shallow passes, rarely exceeding  suede brush and remove gummy deposits with a  “Thank you so much for all the assistance today, as well
        ¼", so only the bottom ¼" of the cutting edges  rag moistened in solvent. Do not soak the  as fast processing of our order. We have lots of joinery
        ever gets worn anyway.       bearings in solvent. For deposits that the solvent  & woodworking customers come to our sawmill each
                                     cannot cope with, apply the “Astonish ” with a
        Cutters should be fitted into the router collet at  damp rag. Clean all parts of the cutter, minding  day, sometimes disgruntled with the poor service and
        least three quarters of the shank length. At the  your fingers when cleaning the flutes. Rub with
        same time care should be taken to avoid  the paste until the cutter is in its original pristine  lack of information from some other tooling companies
        grounding the end of the shank on the bottom of  state.         in the UK . When they ask, it’s great to refer them to you
        the motor spindle, because vibration will be                    at Wealden Tool. Sometimes these things go unsaid.”
        transmitted to the cutter.   After cleaning, hone the flat faces of the cutter
                                     flutes with a diamond lap. The best and most  D.F., Dublin
        The collet nut should be tightened firmly but  economical type for use on router cutters is the
        without any ‘white-knuckle’ force. Overtightening  hand lap (see page 94) and the best all-round  “I have used Wealden Tool Co. on and off for over 30
        can damage both the collet and the cutter shank.                years. They have been consistent in the quality of their
                                     grade is ‘Fine’, which is coloured red. Our
        When removing cutters from routers such as Atlas  EZE-LAP hones are designed to be used dry, but  products and the level of service. Prices have always
        Copco, Bosch and Elu, note that two ‘bites’ of the  note that this does not apply to all manufacturers,  been as good as can be expected for quality tooling.”
        spanner are required. The first apparently frees  with some being used with a few drops of water
        the collet nut, which can then be turned by hand  on the surface. Make certain that the cutter flute  C.C., Totnes
        for several revolutions, but then further resistance  is absolutely flat on the hone and rub it firmly
        is encountered. A second ‘bite’ of the spanner is  backwards and forwards. Give each flute the same  “I have been meaning to write for some time. As a
        required to overcome this, after which the cutter  number of strokes. Continue until satisfied; a  cabinet maker of 30 years standing I have used almost
        can be removed. This two-stage removal of the  little experience will teach you when to stop. Most  every tool provider in business. However none matches
        cutter causes more trouble for the beginner to  types of cutter can be honed but there are a few
        routing than anything else. With a ¼" router the  that cannot. Examples of these include spiral  your quality, service and value for money. There are
        depth of cut should never exceed ¼", i.e. the  cutters, very narrow straight cutters, V-grooving,  now 14 makers in our workshops and I recommend you
        diameter of the shank. This rule has to be  and pierce-and-trim cutters. Bearing-guided  to all of them. Nobody has expressed anything other
        occasionally broken as, for example, when  cutters present no problem once the bearing is
        dovetailing since you cannot make three light cuts  removed. After honing, the cutter should be given  than satisfaction. Thanks again for doing a great job.”
        with a dovetail cutter. With a ½" router, cuts can  a squirt of lubricant spray, such as a PTFE spray  J.C., London
        be heavier but several light cuts will always give a  from the local car-spares shop. The diamond
        better finish than one heavy one.  faces on EZE-LAP products benefit from an  “Have used many times before and without exception
                                     occasional de-clogging with soap and water and a
        Many of today’s routers have variable speed with  nail brush. Hone types that are used wet should  have always had excellent service and tooling.”
        ‘soft start’. With ‘soft start’ there is often a  be dried and the surface cleaned with a plastic  N.L. Carpentry, Shepton Mallet
        perceptible pause before the motor reaches its  eraser.
        operating speed. Make sure that this speed has                  “Contacted the Wealden company wishing to buy router
        been reached before beginning the cut. The  COLLET CARE         bits knowing next to nothing about router bits. The
        router speed should be adjusted to take account
        of the size of the cutter and the material being  The collet is often taken for granted, but is a vital  bloke that spoke to me was extremely helpful and
        used. Cutter catalogues and router user manuals  link between motor and cutter and should be kept  patient with my ignorance and guided me through the
        give guidance on speeds. Many heavy-duty cutters  in good condition. It can be cleaned with a rag  purchasing process without making me feel like a
        have a maximum speed for optimum cutting and  dampened with the solvent followed by the PTFE
        safety; single speed models, even powerful ones,  spray to prevent corrosion. Fine wire brushes are  turnip. My router bits arrived the next day and all I'm
        cannot use such cutters efficiently.  available, which can be used to clean the inside of  left to do is explain to my wife why I needed them.
                                     collets; suitable brushes, which look like  Wealden can't help me there but in every other sense
        In most applications (there are specific
        exceptions) the router should be advanced in a  miniature bottle brushes, are often available from  they were superb. Yours, A. Turnip!”
        direction opposite to that of the rotation of the  dentists. Whilst cleaning the collet, it is also a  M.R., Northallerton
        cutter. Router cutters rotate in a clockwise  good time to clean inside the tapered collet
        direction looking down on them. The correct  housing on the motor spindle. If a collet becomes  “I don't often do this, but I wanted to take a minute to
        direction of cut is therefore that where the cutter,  scratched or corroded, consider replacing it. In
        left to its own devices, wants to run back towards  the long run collets are a consumable item, and  thank you for the superb router cutters you supply. I
        you.                         should be replaced at regular intervals as they are  wouldn't be able to make the things I do without them!”
                                     susceptible to metal fatigue even if kept
        The rate at which you feed the router into the  scrupulously clean.  M.J., Pontefract
        workpiece depends partly on the material and
        type of cut, but the best guide is the type of waste  Do not leave cutters in your router for long  “I wanted to say that when ever I call I get friendly
        you are producing. If this consists of perceptible  periods and never tighten the collet nut without a  advice and your service, pricing and quality is second
        shavings and chippings, as opposed to dust or  cutter inserted, or the collet might become  to none. When ever I get into a conversation with other
        splinters, you are not far wrong. If you try to go  distorted.
        too fast (or too deep) the sound of the motor                   makers I recommend you. My only regret is that I
        labouring will warn you; too slow and you are                   hadn’t come across your company years ago. Thanks
        likely to burn the workpiece.                                   again and keep up the good work.”
                                                                        R.C, London
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