Page 97 - Router Catalogue 2021
P. 97

      TCT MINIATURE BITS                                                         Quality products - quality service
                                                       COM PAN Y

       This range of miniature TCT two flute cutters is specially suited to the woodworker producing models, scale furniture, dolls’ houses, railway
       accessories, musical instruments etc. Other cutters that may also be of interest include Panel Beading, Ogee Panel and Classic Panel.

       MULTI PROFILE – TYPE B                                  PANEL BEADING

       This cutter may be used to                             These 3 smallest sizes from the panel
       produce many different sections                        beading range will be of interest for
       by selecting various parts of the                      producing ovolo and bead mouldings.
       profile. The cutter has corner
       beads of 0.5mm, 1.0mm and
       1.5mm radius. A full bead of
       1.0mm diameter, a 3.5mm cove
       and several small quirks can                             Part No.   A     B   C
       also be produced.                                        T162      9.5    7   3.2
         Part No.   A     B                                     T163      12.7  10   4.8
                                                                T164      16.0  13   6.4
         T6660      26   13

       BEADING – MINIATURE                                     TORUS – MINIATURE

       Two different sized beads on                            This torus chamfer cutter can produce
       the one cutter. May be used to                          torus skirting and architrave and can
       produce skirtings, architraves                          also be used to produce an
       etc. as well as two different                           approximation of a handrail moulding.
       sizes of staff bead moulding.

                                                                Part No.   A     B   C
                                                                T6640      13    8   3.2
         Part No.   A     B
         T6620      11    6

       ARCHITRAVE OGEE – MINIATURE                             ROMAN OGEE – MINIATURE

        This cutter will produce a                             A cutter to produce a miniature Roman
        miniature Grecian ogee with bevel                      ogee profile for decorative mouldings.
        profile for use on skirting and
        architrave mouldings.

         Part No.   A     B                                     Part No.   A     B   C
         T6630      13    4                                     T6650      15   11   6

      Orderline 01580 890500                               95                            Fax orders 01580 890222
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