Page 95 - Router Catalogue 2021
P. 95

      TCT MINIATURE BITS                                                         Quality products - quality service
                                                       COM PAN Y

       This range of miniature TCT two flute cutters is specially suited to the woodworker producing models, scale furniture, dolls’ houses, railway
       accessories, musical instruments etc. Other cutters that may also be of interest include Panel Beading, Ogee Panel and Classic Panel.

       STRAIGHT FLUTED                                        CORE BOX

         Part No.         A         B                           Part No.   A     B
                     mm     inch   mm                           T403      3.2    8
         T201.5W      1.5  0.059     5                          T404      4.8   10
         T201.6W      1.6   1/16     5                          T406.4    6.4   16
         T201.8W      1.8  0.071     5                          T408      8.0   16
         T202W        2.0   5/64     5
         T202.5W      2.5  0.098     5
         T203W        3.0  0.118    11
         T203.2W      3.2   1/8     11
         T203.5W      3.5   9/64    11
         T204W        4.0   5/32    11
         T204.8W      4.8   3/16    11
         T205W        5.0  0.197    11
         T206W        6.0  15/64    19

       OGEE – TORUS OGEE                                      HANDRAIL – SASH BAR

       This cutter will produce a Roman ogee or               A cutter to produce a traditional profile
       a Grecian ogee with torus by selecting                 handrail from 8mm square section. The
       different parts of the profile. It is suitable         bottom groove will need to be cut
       for producing skirtings, architraves etc.              separately. In addition this cutter can cut
       as well as furniture mouldings.                        a full sash bar section from3x4mm
         Part No.   A     B   C                                 Part No.   A     B   C
         T6680     18.5  8.5  5                                 T6670      18   11   6

       FLUTING – 3 REED                                       CORNICE – PILASTER

       Three reed cutter to produce equal size                A versatile cutter to produce various
       sunk or raised beads. Multiple passes                  types of Cornice with/without the quirk
       may be made for wider sections. A                      and bead. In addition the cutter
       bearing kit TB6600 is available as an                  produces a Pilaster mould, which is
       optional extra.                                        suitable for external features on dolls’
                                                              houses etc.

         Part No.   A     B   C                                 Part No.   A     B   C
         T6675      14   14   4.0                               T6685      28   12   13

      Orderline 01580 890500                               93                            Fax orders 01580 890222
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