These two flute jointing cutters enable the rapid and accurate joining of boards for such purposes as table tops, panelled doors etc., giving a joint line that is neat and inconspicuous. The parallel type is the cheapest option and is suitable for boards from 12mm thick. These cutters produce a long glue line for a strong glued joint.
The following points should be noted when using these cutters:
1. Dress both pieces of stock for a tight joint.
2. Ensure the vertical centre of the cutter "Z" is set exactly halfway up the width of the stock.
3. If possible, fit a long timber face on the router fence with the minimum aperture to accept the cutter.
4. Set the fence so that the smallest diameter of the cutter is exactly in line with the face of the fence.
5. Cut one piece of stock face down and the other face up to produce the complete joint. When assembling the parallel type joint, it will help if a slight chamfer is rubbed on the corners of the tongues with abrasive paper.